Sunday, December 3, 2006

The beginning

So I want to start a blog. Why, when there are so many already? Do I really have anything to add to all of what's already out there? I get this picture of a big river, with the banks lined with people, all taking a piss into it, adding their little bit to the flow. Some more than others. And it all merges together and ends up out there in the Internet ocean. Who's gonna see it there? Do most of the contributions get lost in the near-infinite depths of the deep blue (yellow) sea?

Hrm, bad metaphor. If it worked that way, the blog world would have some kind of mixer program, taking a few words from this blog, a couple random letters from that one, and merging them all into some kind of megablog that would be anonymous and unintelligible.

Ok, so maybe it's more like a science fiction story that I'm gonna write some day. Except that somebody's probably already written that too. The one where the hero/ine somehow (acid trip, alien intervention, whatever) eventually gains the insight that every living thing is just a data collector for some supreme data source, that our whole purpose in living is to run around experiencing things, and all of the things we see, hear, feel, etc get transmitted back to the central Database in the Sky for some reason that's bigger than us (some Supreme Kid's psychology class project, maybe).

So everybody is out there Doing Things and reporting them back. Except with blogs we're aware of and actively contributing to the reporting part.

[So, I have to interrupt myself here and ask if everybody else out there does this--do you go back and reread what you wrote half a dozen times, changing a word here, looking for typos, etc? If you tell me it just flows out and you never look back, I'm jealous.]

So ok, I'm another data collector looking to add my data stream to the biG Old Database. I've traveled, I've thought about some things, I've studied some things. I think I have some stuff to share. We'll see if it goes anywhere interesting. But right now it's time for lunch, so I'm out of here.